Archive for February, 2014

RSGB invites information on solar installations

| February 7, 2014

The RSGB is trying to build a clearer picture of the circumstances in which photovoltaic solar panel installations cause a significant rise in the noise levels on the amateur bands. If you, or a neighbour, have installed Solar PV, please let us know whether you have noticed an increase in noise level. It is also […]

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Drainage work closes NRC this weekend

| February 7, 2014

Urgent remedial drainage work is taking place at Bletchley Park. It is taking longer than anticipated and regrettably the National Radio Centre will remain closed this weekend. It will re-open for visitors next Thursday, the 13th of February.

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Thinking Day on the Air next weekend

| February 7, 2014

Thinking Day On The Air is an opportunity for the members of Girlguiding from the youngest Rainbow to the oldest Trefoil Guild member to talk to other members of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts all over the world via amateur radio. The 2014 event, taking place next weekend, is very special […]

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Also in GB2RS this week…

| February 7, 2014

Ahead of the September 2014 IARU Region 1 Conference, the RSGB has opened a new set of Discussion Boards so that UK amateurs can suggest topics, on matters such as operating procedures, technical standards and band plans. The initial phase is an open call and will be followed by further opportunities as UK papers are […]

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Rallies & Events News – 9 February 2014

| February 7, 2014

Today sees the Harwell Radio and Electronics Rally at Didcot Leisure Centre, Mereland Road, Didcot. Talk in is on S22 and there is free car parking. The opening time is 10am and admittance is £3, with under 12s free. There will be trade stands, a flea market, special interest groups, a licensed bar, catering and […]

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Special Events News – 9 February 2014

| February 7, 2014

Next weekend there will be stations operating for Thinking Day on the Air using special GB100 callsigns celebrating 100 years of the Brownies. Amongst those operating will be GB100EDG for Easingwold District Guides, GB100LB for Llandovery Brownies, GB100WB with Wingerworth Brownies and GB100SWD for Scarborough West Division Brownies. Keep a listen out for these stations […]

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