Archive for January, 2014
Northern Ireland News – 2 February 2014
As you will know, all radio amateurs are required to revalidate their licence at least every five years. The process to do this requires every licence holder to contact Ofcom to confirm or update the details on the licence database. This process has been underway for some time and to date some 52 percent of […]
Scotland News – 2 February 2014
As you will know, all radio amateurs are required to revalidate their licence at least every five years. The process to do this requires every licence holder to contact Ofcom to confirm or update the details on the licence database. This process has been underway for some time and to date some 52 percent of […]
England South-East News – 2 February 2014
We start with news from clubs with several activities this week. Lowestoft and District PYE Amateur Radio Club has a CW net on 28.050MHz from 8.30pm and an FM net on 29.140MHz from 9pm today and next Sunday. Tuesday sees a 2m net on 145.450MHz FM from 9pm. Thursday has a club night at the […]
England South-West News
Riviera ARC announces that it has recently changed its venue to the Acorn Community Centre in Torquay, where it meets on the first and third Thursdays. The club is currently involved in Foundation training and likes to take part in special event activities, plus mobile and portable operations around Dartmoor. For more information, contact John […]
Wales News – 2 February 2014
As you will know, all radio amateurs are required to revalidate their licence at least every five years. The process to do this requires every licence holder to contact Ofcom to confirm or update the details on the licence database. This process has been underway for some time and to date some 52 percent of […]
RadCom February 2014, Vol. 90, No. 2

THIS EDITION IS TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE ONLINE We apologise for any disappointment This edition is currently being converted to our HTML5 online viewer, which will bring enhanced readability, download speed and picture quality News and Reports 6 RSGB Matters Including news of the RSGB AGM, new Band Plan commentary, Ofcom statements on 2.3/3.4GHz, licence progression and […]