Archive for November, 2013
Also in GB2RS this week…
Amateur radio was featured on the front page of the BBC News website this week. Video journalist Neil Meads joined Chorley and District Amateur Radio Society for Castles and Stately Homes on the Air at Astley Hall, Lancashire. The report paints amateur radio in a very positive light and even mentions RAYNET and how amateurs […]
Rallies and Events News 17 November 2013
Mayo Radio Rally takes place today, 17 November at the Welcome Inn in Castlebar, County Mayo. Doors open at 11am and admission is €5. There will be trade stands and a Bring and Buy. Fareham Radio Club is holding a grand junk sale on 20 November at Fareham Sailing and Motor Boat Club, Lower Quay […]
Special Events News 17 November 2013
Phoenix Radio Group and Mansfield and District ARS are putting GB2OIL on the air on 24 November to commemorate the opening of the first commercial deep well oilfield in the UK at Dukes Wood, Eakring in Nottinghamshire in 1943. Operation is planned for 7.165MHz throughout the event and on 14.265MHz or 18.165MHz if conditions permit. […]
DX News 17 November 2013
The Swaziland 3DA0ET DXpedition is scheduled to run from 18 to 27 November. A multi-national team of 12 operators will run 4 stations, covering all the HF bands and, possibly, 6m on CW, SSB and RTTY with a dedicated RTTY only station with two British operators. Chris, G8OPB and John, GW4SKA will be looking for […]
Contest News 17 November 2013
The 1.3GHz UK Activity Contest takes place from 2000 to 2230 on 19 November. Using all modes the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator. The CQ World Wide DX CW contest takes place for the full 48 hours of the weekend of 23rd-24th and invariably keeps the CW portions of the HF bands […]
Propagation News 17 November 2013
The number of sunspot groups increased from 4 to 9 visible groups by the end of the period. Several were produced large solar flares. Solar activity continued to reach high levels again this week. Two X class solar flares took place, one on the 8th and the other on the 10th. The number of M […]