Archive for September, 2013

Propagation News – 8 September 2013

| September 6, 2013

A small number of sunspot groups were visible every day, all were small and mostly quiet. Only two new sunspot groups appeared during the period. Solar activity was very low on the 2nd but on the remaining days activity was low with only one C class solar flare taking place each day except for the […]

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England Midlands 8 September 2013

| September 6, 2013

We start with advance information that Chesterfield & North Derbyshire ARS is holding a Foundation course on Saturday 14, 21 and 28 September between 10am and 4pm. Distance Learning and Study at Home candidates are welcome. For more information, and to secure a place, contact 01246 275 889 as soon as possible. Now for clubs […]

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England North 8 September 2013

| September 6, 2013

We start with advance notice that Wakefield & District Radio Society will start an Intermediate training course on Saturday and an Advanced course on Saturday 9 November. More details from Chris Lashmar, M0KJP, on 07908 740 627. On Monday Bolton Wireless Club is having a talk by David, G4JLG on how bad communication has been […]

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Northern Ireland 8 September 2013

| September 6, 2013

Mid Ulster Amateur Radio Club is holding its AGM today. On Tuesday there’s a shack night. More information from Brian Burns, MI0TGO, by email to

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Scotland 8 September 2013

| September 6, 2013

Stirling & District Amateur Radio Society is open today and next Sunday from 10.30am till late afternoon for construction, training, projects and operating. The weekly club meeting is on Thursday. More information from John McGowan, by email to On Tuesday Kilmarnock & Loudoun Amateur Radio Club is having a club night. Contact Graham, MM3GDC, […]

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England South East 8 September 2013

| September 6, 2013

We start with an announcement from Bittern DX Group that it will no longer be meeting at The Roman Camp Inn, Aylmerton for the foreseeable future, although it is intended to continue holding meetings at different venues on the last Thursday of the month. More information from Linda, G0AJJ, on 01692 218 562. Now for […]

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