Archive for August, 2013

Also in GB2RS 18 August 2013…

| August 16, 2013

2014 will see the Brownies celebrate their 100th birthday, with various exciting activities and challenges available. Ofcom has agreed that stations may apply for the special GB100 prefix to their usual Thinking Day On The Air callsigns. The NoV applications will need to be accompanied by a supporting letter from one of the Girlguiding leaders […]

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Rallies and Events News – 18 August 2013

| August 16, 2013

Today, the 18th, the Rugby Amateur Transmitting Society Annual Radio Rally will be held at Princethorpe College, Princethorpe, Rugby CV23 9PX. Doors are open from 10am to 4pm and admission is £2. For more details contact Tony, G0OLS on 07759 684 411.   Next Sunday, 25 August, the Milton Keynes ARS Rally will be held […]

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Special Events News – 18 August 2013

| August 16, 2013

Today, the 18th, North Wakefield Radio Club is running a special event station from Flamborough Lighthouse as part of the International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend. The callsigns will be GB4FL and GB4FCL. See for further details. They plan to be on the air on 80m, 40m, 20m, 17m, 15m, 4m, 6m and 2m. Next weekend, […]

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DX News – 18 August 2013

| August 16, 2013

Luc, ON6DSL is on holiday in Crete, which is EU-015, and will be operating as SV9/ON6DSL/P until 21 August. He plans to operate on a regular basis from the beach. QSLs go via his home call.   Another holiday-maker is Andy, G7COD who will be in Gran Canaria, which is AF-004, until 31 August. He […]

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Contest News 18 August 2013

| August 16, 2013

On Tuesday the 1.3GHz UK Activity Contest will take place from 1900 to 2130UTC, using all modes the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator.   Moving on to the final Sunday of the month, the 25th, there are two events. First, the UK Microwave Group Cumulative Contest takes place on 5.7-24GHz. It’s the […]

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Propagation News 18 August 2013

| August 16, 2013

Several sunspot regions were visible everyday, two groups appeared on the 10th and then increased in size and magnetic complexity. Solar activity was low everyday except for the 12th which increased to moderate levels when the only M class solar flare took place. Solar flux levels increased from 103 units on the 10th to 125 […]

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