Archive for July, 2013
Centenary station: lost log
A part of the computer log for the Colchester Radio Amateur’s operation of the station on 22nd and 23rd July has irretrievably been lost due to a catastrophic computer problem. About 140 contacts are involved. Attempts at data recovery have proved unsuccessful. Obviously, this will mean loss of credits for the Centenary Award and the […]
2013-PSSR: 2.3 and 3.4 GHz
July 2013: 2.3 / 3.4 GHz Public Sector Spectrum Release (PSSR); Amateur use of 2310-2450 and 3400-3475 MHz Ofcom Consultation RSGB Joint-response
GD DXpedition
Three members of the Macclesfield and District Amateur Radio Society will be QRV from the Isle of Man from 20 to 26 July 2013. Tom M(D)1EYP/P, Jimmy M(D)0HGY/P and Edward 2(D)0NSR/P will be primarily active from the summits of the five Manx hills that qualify for the Summits on the Air – SOTA programme. Specific […]
IOTA Contest next weekend
The annual Islands on the Air contest takes place next weekend on 27 and 28 July. The most sought-after multipliers are those assigned to offshore islands and a list can be found at (9-page/387KB PDF). This year a special Centenary Commemorative Certificate is available. Everyone who enters and submits a log of contest QSOs […]
Sked group launched on Facebook
A new group has been formed on Facebook for amateurs wishing to schedule contacts with other amateurs. So if you need a particular contact for an award, or just a chat, then go to (Facebook login required) and have a look.
RSGB Centenary Day film available
Paul Whatton, G4DCV has produced this short film of the RSGB’s historic Centenary Day event which was held at Bletchley Park on Friday, 5 July 2013. The film is permanently archived, along with other videos of Centenary events, on the RSGB’s Centenary Videos page.