Archive for July, 2013

GB2RS News Script for 7 July 2013

| July 4, 2013

Download the GB2RS script for Sunday, 7 July 2013. GB2RS News Script for Sunday, 7 July 2013 (8-page/66KB Word document) Listen to the GB2RS Podcast

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Rallies and Events News – 7 July 2013

| July 4, 2013

No fewer than four rallies take place today, 7th July. The Barford Norfolk Radio Rally is at Barford Village Hall and Green, Barford, Norwich NR9 4AB. Talk in is on S22 and there is car parking. The rally opens at 9am and admission is £1.50, free for under 16s. There will be trade stands, a […]

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Special Events News – 7 July 2013

| July 4, 2013

For the rest of the year, British Railways ARS will be marking the 45th anniversary of the end of steam on the British rail network in August 1968. This will be taking place from near Preston run by Mark Procter, G1PIE using the callsign GX4LMR. A special QSL card has been produced for this event. […]

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DX News – 7 July 2013

| July 4, 2013

Rico, G6RFL and Martyn, G4SSG will be active as F/G6RFL/P on the 6m band using SSB, CW and BPSK 31 at 5000ft in IN92OX from 14 to 16 August. They will be using a 5 element Yagi, Datong automatic RF speech processor and Icom IC-7000 with 100 watts. Operation will also be on 17 and […]

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Contest News – 7 July 2013

| July 4, 2013

The RSGB Centenary VHF National Field Day ends at 1400UTC today. Operating on all modes on 50-1296MHz, the exchange is RST plus serial number and locator. There is a special Centenary award available, see for details. On 9 July, the 432MHz UK Activity Contest takes place from 1900 to 2130UTC. Using all modes the […]

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Propagation News – 7 July 2013

| July 4, 2013

And now the solar factual data for the period from Friday the 28th of June to Thursday the 4th of July compiled by Neil Clarke, G0CAS on Friday the 5th of July. Midway through the period, the first of a couple of large complex regions rotated into view. As a result solar activity increased to […]

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