Archive for June, 2013

Wales 9 June 2013

| June 7, 2013

Today, Aberystwyth & District Amateur Radio Society is mounting public demonstrations at Aberystwyth Cliff Railway open day and putting the RSGB Centenary station GW100RSGB on the air. Details from Ray, GW7AGG, on 01970 611 853. On Monday Llanelli Amateur Radio Society is putting GC0EZQ on the air. Craig, MW0MXT, 01269 845773,

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GB2RS News for Sunday, 9 June 2013

| June 7, 2013

Download the GB2RS script for Sunday, 9 June 2013. GB2RS News Script for Sunday, 9 June 2013 (8-page/58.5KB Word document) Listen to the GB2RS Podcast

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Bruno Negri, G3LXN, 2 June 2013

| June 7, 2013

He was my granddad. Because of him I wanted to become a ham. Tribute by Graham Truman, 2E0TRU

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Centenary Award – new Application Form

| June 5, 2013

An additional Application Form has been created and added to the Check Sheet and Application Form download page.  This new form is flexible in its usage as it allows rows to be inserted in the log sheet and the log sheet “sorted”, etc. The earlier form is still available and acceptable, and should be used […]

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