Archive for February, 2013
DX News
V47JA will again be operating from his holiday home in Calypso Bay, St Kitts, from 20 February until 21 March. Activity will be on the 160 to 6m bands, including 60m. QSLs via W5JON either direct or electronically via Logbook of the World. An international team will be on the air from Burundi until 23 […]
Contest News
The ARRL International DX Contest finishes today, 17 February, at 2359UTC. This is the CW leg of the event. The SSB leg takes place next month. Work the USA, contiguous 48 States, and Canada only, giving them a signal report and your transmitter power. US/Canadian stations give a signal report and their State/Province code. The […]
Propagation News
And now the solar factual data for the period from Friday the 8th to Thursday the 14th of February, compiled by Neil Clarke, G0CAS on Friday the 15th of February. Only two new sunspot regions appeared during the period, with a maximum of four regions visible on some days. On the whole solar activity was […]
Bloom Wood – Sat 16 Feb
Further details have been posted and can be found via the events page. Please pay special attention to the access instructions.
Advance! The Full Licence Manual

This book is now discontinued and is not recommended for Amateur Radio Exams after the 1 September 2019 Corrections, updates and additional information This book is no longer supported