Archive for 2012

Why yes, it is time for homemade satellites

| September 7, 2012 – Over the next year a dozen or so tiny, homemade satellites will be launched into space

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Ham radio is not an old man’s hobby say Canadian enthusiasts

| September 7, 2012 – Members from 36 amateur radio clubs around Vancouver Island and surrounding areas will converge at Cedar Community Hall for Ham Happenings 2012 this Saturday

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European Commission moves to foster wireless innovation through sharing of radio spectrum

| September 5, 2012

EUROPA – The European Commission has unveiled plans to deal with the exponential growth in mobile and wireless data traffic by enabling wireless technologies, including broadband, to share the use of the radio spectrum

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ISS amateur radio CubeSat deployment postponed

| September 5, 2012

AMSAT-UK – JAXA have announced that the deployment of five CubeSats from the International Space Station planned for 10 September has been postponed

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Latest RSGB Board Meeting minutes now online

| September 5, 2012

RSGB – Proceedings of the Board Meeting of the Radio Society of Great Britain held on held on Saturday 18 August 2012 can now be downloaded from the Members’ Area of the RSGB website Please note you will need to log in to the Members’ Area in order to view the Minutes.

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Phillippines government to hold emergency radio communication event

| September 5, 2012

PIA – The concerned government agencies will organize the two-day conference and trade show emphasizing on the importance and role of communication in the midst of calamities

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