Archive for November, 2012
Rallies and Events
The Mayo Radio Experimenters Network Radio Rally will take place today, 18 November, at the Welcome Inn, Castlebar, Co Mayo. Doors open at 11am and admission is €5 per adult. Children are free. The usual traders will be in attendance. More information about the rally can be found on the club website, The North […]
DX News
HB9OAU will be on the air as 8Q7AU from the Maldives, IOTA reference AS-013, between 26 November and 11 December. Activity will be holiday style on 10 through to 80 metres, SSB only. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the bureau. Dave, WJ2O will be active as 8P9DF from Barbados, which is IOTA […]
Contest News
The 1.3GHz UK Activity Contest takes place on 20 November from 2000 to 2230UTC. Using all modes the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator. The big event of the month will be the busiest, the CQWW DX CW. It takes place for the full 48 hours of the weekend of the 24th and […]
Propagation News
And now the solar factual data for the period from Friday the 9th to the 15th of November compiled by Neil Clarke, G0CAS on Friday the 16th of November. Several large and complex sunspot groups were visible during the period but only one produced any sizable solar flares. Solar activity was low on the 9th […]
EGM Result: Members vote overwhelmingly for Special Resolution
RSGB – There was overwhelming support from those who voted for the special resolution, and the Interim Board will now take the necessary steps to bring the new governance structure into effect