RadCom Basic
In this edition…
- A Warm Welcome from the Editor
Lee, G4EJB, RadCom Basics Editor, would like to welcome you to RadCom Basics, your bi-monthly e-magazine. I hope you find the articles interesting and of use to you. Lee also takes an informative look at the RSGB website- Understanding squares, locators and zones
When you first get on the air it can be very confusing; sooner or later some one is going to ask you what your WAB square is, or your locator, or in a contest, what zone you are in.- Working portable this summer
This summer why not take your amateur radio hobby outdoors? There will be plenty of time to play radio in the shack this autumn, so why not get some fresh air and see what you can work outdoors right now?- Antennas – what is impedance and reactance?
When you first take your amateur radio exams you learn that for an antenna to work efficiently it has to provide a good match to your radio—the term SWR (Standing Wave Ratio) is introduced and you learn that a low SWR is generally good
About RadCom Basics
RadCom Basics is a bi-monthly digital publication for RSGB Members new to amateur radio that explores key aspects of amateur radio in a straightforward and accessible way.
Next edition
Coming up in the next edition*
- Use WSPR and get your signals heard around the world
- Using repeaters in other areas
- Take part in September’s SSB Field Day
*Expected Summer 2019
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Back issues
RadCom Basics September 2020, No. 18
In this edition… Welcome to the latest edition by Lee, G4EJB, Editor…RadCom Basics July 2020, No. 17
In this special FREE edition… Welcome to the latest edition from Lee,…RadCom Basics April 2020, No. 16
The April 2020 issue of RadCom Basics is being updated We apologize…