ATV transmissions from ISS
The ham video transmitter was installed in the Columbus module of the International Space Station on 6 March at approximately 10.00 UTC. The transmitter was powered on briefly and all control LEDs were nominal.
The first Commissioning step is planned for 8 March. Using call sign OR4ISS, crew will power on the ham video transmitter in configuration 1:
- ARISS antenna 41
- Frequency 2.422 GHz
- Symbol rate 1.3 Ms/s
The transmission will start shortly before the pass of the ISS over Western Europe at approximately 13.27 UTC.
Acquisition of signal (AOS) at Matera ground station in south Italy will be at approximately 13.29 UTC.
Matera will receive the ham video signals with 3 different receivers. The output of each receiver will be web streamed over BATC channels ISS1, ISS2 and ISS3.
The ARISS ground station IK1SLD, located in northern Italy, will also receive the ham video signals and stream the video over BATC channel ISS4.
The BATC server is available at
On BATC you can do the following:
- Select ISS
- Click on one of the ISS channels
- Click on Multi screen selector
- Select the channels you wish to watch
- Click on Watch
When multiscreen appears, volume is turned down by default. Turn the volume up using the volume control slider below the image.
During the pass, different configurations will be tested with ARISS antenna 41. After the pass, the ham video transmitter will stay powered on in configuration 1—see above—till the following commissioning step, which is planned Sunday, 9 March 2014 at approximately 12.40 UTC.
For about 24 hours, the DATV signal will be transmitted permanently, but the camera will be powered off. The reason is, that the camera is battery powered and no provisions are made for frequent battery replacement. This mode is called “blank” transmission.
Sunday 9 March, the transmission will start shortly before the pass of the ISS over Western Europe at approximately 12.39 UTC.
During commissioning step two, different configurations will again be tested, this time with ARISS antenna 43. The Matera ground station and IK1SLD will stream the video over the BATC server.
The plan is to resume blank transmission immediately after the pass over Matera and to continue permanent transmission for one week, till Sunday 16 March 2014. The frequency will remain 2.422 GHz, but antenna ARISS 43 will be used.
Reports on reception of blank transmissions are very welcome. Reports can be filed via
Participants using the Tutioune receiving software, developed by Jean Pierre Courjaud, F6DZP, can record as well as stream detailed parameters of the received signal. Please see
Category: RSGB Notices