Licence Progression
During the wide ranging debate about the forthcoming Amateur Radio Licence review by Ofcom, several amateurs have been in touch with the Society to express concern that they will either be required to progress to become Full Licencees or to surrender their Foundation or Intermediate Licence and give up the hobby. In response Ofcom have provided the following statement.
“Our policy thinking is at an early stage and although we see the benefit in encouraging Radio Amateurs to progress, we do have to think of all the ways that the hobby meets the Amateur Radio community’s needs. Whilst it is impossible to pre-empt the outcome of our policy review, we do recognise that progression may not be appropriate for everyone. What we do want to do is try to encourage progression for as many people as possible.
It is not Ofcom’s intention to discourage people from the hobby but we want to set up a framework that encourages those interested in pursuing the technical hobby to stretch their knowledge and operating skill. In our analysis we will be consulting on any changes to the licensing arrangements but we will be taking into account the accessibility and diverse interests that is provided by the hobby and we won’t be designing a regime that leaves or pushes people out”.
Category: GB2RS Headlines, RSGB Notices