Also in GB2RS this week…
On 1 October Swedish radio amateurs gained access to the 472 to 479kHz band. Their maximum radiated power is 1W EIRP because Sweden is adjudged to be too close to Russia to permit the 5 watts EIRP enjoyed by many other countries.
Ofcom has appointed Philip Marnick as its new Group Director in charge of spectrum. Philip has 27 years’ experience in the wireless communications industry. He joins from UK Broadband, where he served as Chief Technology Officer. He has also held senior positions at several telecoms companies including O2, BT and Orange. Philip is also a member of the Ofcom Spectrum Advisory Board. He will lead Ofcom’s Spectrum Policy Group that is responsible for setting and implementing the strategy for managing spectrum.
Today, 6 October, Bletchley Park is hosting an event looking at communication throughout the 20th Century and particularly in times of war, from the post and pigeon carriers to radio, telephones, television and beyond. There will be exhibits from the Vintage Military Amateur Radio Society, Milton Keynes Museum and the British Postal Museum amongst others. The National Radio Centre will be open and visitors have the opportunity to go on air and pass greetings messages from GB3RS. More information can be found on the Bletchley Park website.
G100RSGB, the special event callsign celebrating the RSGB Centenary, will be operated today, 6 October by Hucknall Rolls-Royce ARC using the 6 to 160m bands with SSB and data. Monday it’s the turn of Northants Communication Club who will also be using the 6 to 160m bands with SSB and data. The Centenary callsign then moves to Region 5, the West Midlands and on Tuesday Worcester Radio Amateurs Association will be operating on the 10 to 40m band as well as 2m using SSB and CW. On Thursday, Wolverhampton ARS take over and they will be operating on the 10 to 80m bands as well as 2m using SSB and FM. Finally, over the weekend of 11 to 13 October, Bromsgrove and District ARC will be running 10 to 160m as well as 2m using CW, SSB and data. Details of how to get your QSL card are on the RSGB website.
Category: GB2RS Headlines