April 2025 – Strategic priorities update
Introducing our new digital publications platform
We’ve been working on some major changes to the way we make our digital membership publications available, and it’s time to tell you more about them.
The RadCom family of publications is a key member’s benefit, and it is respected around the world, so we must take great care of it. The option to receive a paper version of RadCom isn’t going away, but we want to give our members more flexible options.
Integrating our systems
To start this process, I presented a proposal to the Board for a better membership publications platform which would allow more flexible online viewing, searching, downloading and access to archive editions. It’s been a long journey since that proposal, but we’re starting to see the results.
Integrating a new publishing platform with our old membership and finance systems was impossible, so we had to modernise those first. These two very significant projects have now come together, and I’m excited to share our new RSGB app!
Introducing our new web app
We’re about to launch the web version of our app which is your one-stop shop for all RadCom publications and club newsletters.
The web version, which you will soon be able to find at rsgb.org/radcom, gives RSGB members easy access to over ten years of back issues of RadCom, as well as RadCom Basics and Plus. You can search with a single click.
You will need your RSGB membership portal details to access the editions and we’ll be adding more back issues of RadCom from the archive in the coming months to make it even more valuable.
Not an RSGB member? You can view a sample edition of RadCom through the web version of the app.
Like what you see? Become an RSGB member at rsgb.org/join and you’ll have access to the back issues of RadCom and its sister publications.
Next steps
We will be launching Apple iOS and Android versions of the RSGB app soon. These will add the ability to download and view editions offline, but I thought you would like to have access to the web version in advance.
I hope you enjoy the flexibility that these changes bring.
Steve Thomas, M1ACB
RSGB General Manager
You can also find this update in April 2025’s RadCom
Category: RSGB Notices, RSGB Strategic Priorities