Introducing the RSGB web app

| March 18, 2025

We are excited to give you a first look at the RSGB app!

We’ve just launched the web version of our app which is your one-stop shop for all RadCom publications and club newsletters.

The web version gives RSGB members easy access to over ten years of back issues of RadCom, as well as RadCom Basics and RadCom Plus.

We’ll be adding more back issues of RadCom from the archive in the coming months to make it even more valuable.

You’ll need your RSGB membership portal details to access the editions.

Not an RSGB member? You can view a sample edition of RadCom through the web version of the app. Like what you see? Become an RSGB member and you’ll have access to the back issues of RadCom and its sister publications.

Look out for news of the release of our mobile app later this year…

Category: Front Page News, RSGB Notices