RSGB to activate IARU centenary special call sign
As part of the celebrations of the centenary of the International Amateur Radio Union, the RSGB will be activating the call sign GB0IARU during the month of April 2025.
If you would like to be an activator, you need to be an RSGB member with a Full licence, as UK licence conditions only allow Full licensees to operate club call signs. If you would like to take part, please send an email to
You will be invited to join a discussion group which will be used to provide you with all the information that you will need. You will have to join the RSGB Contest Club in order to use the call sign as GB0IARU is linked to the Contest Club’s call sign G6XX. Foundation and Intermediate licensees will be able to take part under supervision.
You can find detailed instructions about operating with GB0IARU on the RSGB website. For QSL information please see
Category: Front Page News, GB2RS Headlines, RSGB Notices