British Science Week 2024

University Technical College South Durham. Lily making contact with another operator in Poland.

The theme for British Science Week in 2024 was ‘Time’. Members of the RSGB Outreach Team developed a series of time-themed resources, which are ideal for outreach activity with young people. Get some inspiration below and play your part in growing amateur radio!


You could try these activities at your local school, Scout/Guiding group or youth club. Click on the activity titles to find everything you need to know to be able to run the activity:

Radio signals and space probes
Satellite speeds (FUNcube-1)
Time zones
Timing in Morse Code

The British Science Association also provides a range of free activity resources.

Additional resources

You can read our British Science Week report in June 2024’s RadCom.

David Reynolds, G3ZPF, sent us a paper he wrote about Time, which might be of interest as background material.  It is entitled “QTR? (What time is it?)“. You are welcome to download it