Making use of emerging technologies

The Future of radio technology image

Emerging technologies offer the opportunity to broaden the definition of amateur radio and increase appeal, attracting a more diverse audience. As technology develops so does the hobby, from the widespread use of Artificial Intelligence, to the benefits of 3D printing.

New technologies also offer existing amateurs the opportunity to progress and enhance their own experience by learning new skills.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI offers radio amateurs the opportunity to enhance procedures, streamline processes, as well as experiment and make innovations.

In the RSGB 2024 Convention, RSGB Board Chair, Dr Stewart Bryant, G3YSX gave a talk on using AI to write applications. He discussed how large language models such as ChatGPT and Google Bard/Gemini have the ability to transform the way that we write software. This is because it requires less detailed user knowledge, which makes it more accessible.

Using software such as these can significantly improve productivity and bring the ability to write effective software within the reach of more people. His talk provides insight into the tools and approach that he used in writing a small amateur radio application that was published in the Autumn 2024 edition of RadCom Plus.

Stewart has also been a guest presenter on the topic for several organisations.

3D Printing

3D printer

Tom Wardill, 2E0JJI gave a fascinating talk at the RSGB 2024 Convention on Beginners’ 3D printing for amateur radio. This talk demonstrates how 3D Printing is a powerful tool for amateur radio, and one that has become increasingly accessible in recent years.

Tom gives a brief overview of how to get started, as well as suggesting where it can be useful in your life as a radio amateur. He aims to leave you in a position to be able to get yourself started by covering topics including machines, software, tools and where to find things.

We’ll be adding more technologies to this webpage in the coming months. If you are involved in amateur radio in any of these areas, we’d love to hear from you. Share you stories with us via