RSGB Board co-opts two new Directors

| July 26, 2024

When Paul Nichols, M0PVN resigned as an RSGB Director in May, it created a vacancy on the Board. The Board decided that it was in the Society’s interests to expand the Board to nine people to help implement the Society’s strategic priorities. Under Article 37 it has co-opted Peter Bowyer, G4MJS and Peter Ransom, M0SFZ as Directors to serve until the 2025 AGM.

Peter Ransom recently passed his Full licence so that he could build and tinker with RF equipment, to add to his ongoing interest in writing amateur radio software and designing his own PCBs. He has a passion for technology and communication and has had a career that combines technical expertise with strategic vision. He hopes to use that knowledge and experience to help the Board to ensure that the Society remains relevant to the amateur radio community.

Peter Bowyer has been in and around IT all his career and currently helps organisations with their Agile development strategies. He has been licensed for 45 years, but says he is still learning new things. He’s an avid contester, having served on the VHF Contests Committee, he has written a column for RadCom and is a past Chair of the UK Six Metre Group.

The RSGB welcomes them both to the Board.

Category: Front Page News, GB2RS Headlines, RSGB Notices