Special Events News – 30 June 2024

| June 28, 2024

Durham and District Amateur Radio Society is participating as one of the bonus stations in the popular 13 Colonies special event. The special callsign GB13COL has been issued for the occasion and will be active from 1300UTC on the 1 July to 0400UTC on the 8 July. The primary focus of the event will be the HF bands, but the station will also be working on VHF and UHF bands, and via satellite, for QSOs using SSB, CW, FM and various digital modes. If you would like to visit the club, or want further information about GB13COL, please contact Ray, G0VLF on 07904196283 or email g0vlf@yahoo.co.uk

Special callsign GX4LMR will be operated by The British Railways Amateur Radio Society from the 5 to the 14 July to commemorate the first amateur tests on a moving railway train in 1924. Operators plan to concentrate on the 40m band, depending on conditions. QSL via the Bureau.

Category: GB2RS Rallies and Events