RESOLVED – RSGB phone system issue

| June 24, 2024

UPDATE 15:20 24/06/2024

Phone service to RSGB HQ has now been restored.

Thank you for your patience during the incident, it is much appreciated.

You may now call us as normal using all the usual numbers and the automated switchboard.


UPDATE 14:47 24/06/2024

Our apologies for the lack of progress on this issue.

We are requesting constant updates from our service provider, but as things stand now, their systems are still offline.

We will of course, post any new information here the moment we receive it.

In the meantime, please use email to contact us.


UPDATE 10:26 24/06/2024

Our service provider is continuing to investigate the issue affecting the RSGB HQ phone system.

It is a system-wide issue with the provider and not limited to the RSGB.

This post will be updated when there are any further developments.

All RSGB HQ departments can still be reached by email, which is unaffected.


There is an ongoing issue with the RSGB HQ phone system.

Calls are not connecting and the normal switchboard is not available.

But all RSGB departments are available on email at the usual addresses, and no other HQ services are affected.

Our telecoms service provider is currently investigating, and we will keep you updated on the situation

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Category: Front Page News