Also in GB2RS this week…

| January 6, 2023

Are you keen to see amateur radio thrive? Do you have the time and enthusiasm to support other radio amateurs and to help shape the RSGB of the future? If so, you still have the opportunity to be nominated in the RSGB elections. This year there are nine roles to be filled and the results will be announced at the Society’s AGM in April 2023. An explanation of how to apply for the various roles, as well as the candidate packs and forms for President, Elected Board Director and Regional Representative, are all on the Society’s website. The deadline for the Nominated Board Director role has now passed but the closing date for other roles is 31 January 2023. Find out more at on the RSGB website at

The RSGB National Radio Centre at Bletchley Park will be closed for one day on 10 January 2023 to allow electrical maintenance work to be undertaken. When booking a visit on any other day, remember that RSGB members can download a free entry voucher to Bletchley Park from the RSGB website.

The RSGB’s RadCom team is looking for authors to contribute to the magazine. Previously unpublished features and articles are always welcome for consideration, and we will pay authors for any content we use. At the moment, the team is particularly interested in hearing from people who enjoy writing about antennas. To contact the RadCom team please email

There is still time to apply for the volunteer roles of RSGB Lecture Chair and RSGB Social Diversity Officer. You can find out more about both of these important roles on the Society’s website at

The RSGB was sad to learn that Peter Bruce, GM0CXQ recently became a silent key. Peter was very active as a radio amateur in Shetland both as a Zetland Amateur Radio Club member, exams officer and as a District Representative for the RSGB. Our thoughts are with his family and many friends.

Category: GB2RS Headlines