Planning FAQ

If the antenna is mounted on the house, much will depend on how big it is and how it is attached. If it is judged not to result in a 'material alteration to the appearance of the building' it does not need permission. Any free-standing mast or pole more than 3 metres high needs permission; and more than 2.5m if it's within 2m of the boundary. Anything facing a highway needs permission. If in doubt, seek advice.
Much depends on how much money you put at risk were an application to be refused; and how well you get on with your neighbours.
No. When permission is applied for in law, the presumption is in favour of the development and the Council needs good planning reasons to refuse an application. But in most cases the person reporting an unauthorised development to the Council is a neighbour. So being on good terms with them and letting them know what you are doing and why is good.
No, the process is straight forward although you may need help drawing plans to the level of detail the Council may require. RSGB offers a planning advice service which can provide pointers and give advice for specific issues which may crop up.
Most wire antennas, say strung between a tree and a house would be regarded as not needing permission. But other supporting structures might well do so.
If your mast is genuinely mobile (you can take it down and move it off-site readily and it has no ground fixtures), then probably.
Yes – tenants generally need the consent of their landlord. Failure to obtain it could, in extreme cases, lead to eviction.
No. Planning enforcement is a lengthy process which includes opportunities to apply for permission. But don't ignore your visitor – you will need to do something!
Unfortunately Yes – antennas rarely protect and enhance the conservation area or cause no harm to the setting of the listed building (which are the tests the Council apply); and so obtaining planning permission will be much more difficult.