WRC-19 Day-8: Progress !?
Wednesday saw some encouraging signs for two key items – Wireless Power (WPT-EV) and 50 MHz.
First up was the re-work on the short AI-9.1.6 WPT-EV report that had been asked for by the Plenary. Significant background effort had been made to hone a couple of paragraphs for Committee-6 (COM6) to consider. This had a fairly smooth approval despite an ongoing concern on terminology.
COM6 Chair Martin Weber, overseeing the updated report
Even more pleasing was after lunch, when the conference plenary approved the updated text – thus concluding WPT-EV at WRC-19 whilst providing some guidance to the ongoing work in ITU-R Study Groups and other organisations.
Later in the afternoon the ninth session on 50MHz, saw some reassuring footnote ‘protection’ text that addressed yesterdays main problem. However resolving the precise wording on the broadcasting protection footnote was held up pending further deliberations. In any case it would still face a long journey thru the approval process.
One other arduous duty was to gather the various amateur volunteers for a smart looking group photo…
Almost all of the Amateur Team!
IARU: Ole LA2RR, Tim VE6SH, Dave K1ZZ
Category: Front Page News, GB2RS, WRC-19