High altitude balloon launches on 20th and 27th
hi-impact will be launching two high altitude balloon flights this month, on the 20th and 27th of June.
Working alongside Altrincham Prep School and South Wirral High School, they plan to launch from Welshpool at 11am, subject to any operational changes, which will appear on their Facebook and Twitter feeds, @hiimpactconsult.
Both flights are HABDuino equipped, and assistance from amateurs and SWLs in receiving the data and feeding it into HABHUB via DL-FLDigi is appreciated.
The HABduino is set up on 434.650MHz USB, RTTY, 50 Baud, 425Hz Shift with 7 Bits, No Parity and 1 Stop Bit, or 7N1, for both flights.
The callsign for the 20th is ALTRIPREP and for the 27th it is SWHS_HAB.
Mark, MW1MDH will be on site, and will try to be on S22, but as he’s part of the launch team, this may not happen!
Category: Front Page News, GB2RS Headlines