Also in GB2RS this week… 21 April 2019
The May RadCom includes a report that an authentic World War 2 Spy Set was recently donated to the RSGB National Radio Centre at Bletchley Park. We are delighted to announce that it is now on display in the reception area, providing a focal point to engage visitors’ interest from the moment they enter the building. RSGB Members can download a free entry pass to Bletchley Park from the RSGB website,
The Syllabus 2019 edition of the Foundation Licence Manual is now available from the RSGB in both in hard copy and Kindle version. It has been fully revised and contains all the information required for those looking to gain their Foundation licence. Full details are on the RSGB website,
For those who send large numbers of QSL cards directly to other bureaux there is a change of address for the Canadian Incoming QSL Bureau. From the 1st of May, cards should be sent to RAC National Incoming QSL Bureau Manager, Ed Spingola, VA3TPV, PO Box 83, Streetsville, Ontario L5M 1L5, Canada.
The IARU was represented in Turkey, where committee SE24 on Short Range Devices met to undertake further work concerning Wireless Power Transmission, or WPT. SE24 is considering both WPT for electric vehicles and also generic WPT applications. The IARU has made extensive input on the potential impact on radio communications from spurious emissions from WPT devices and was represented by Region 1 President, Don Beattie, G3BJ, who is leading the IARU work on WPT.
Category: GB2RS Headlines