New compostable RadCom wrapper
We are proud to announce that Members, both in the UK and overseas, will now be receiving their copy of RadCom in a compostable wrapper derived from potato starch.
As a Society we are committed to reducing reliance on single-use plastic, and by introducing the new wrapper we are preventing over 250,000 plastic wrappers potentially going to landfill each year.
The new wrapper is made from Bioplast 300®, which is made from waste potatoes left out of the food chain.
It complies with European Standard EN13432, an EU-harmonised standard for compostable and biodegradable packaging.
The wrapper can be disposed of in a home compost bin, food waste caddy or in green waste for collection by the local authority.
Further information about the Bioplast 300® can be found below—
- Bioplast 300® FAQ (1-page/139KB PDF)
- Film specification sheet (1-page/37KB PDF)
- Exploring the world of bioplastics (2-page/938KB PDF)
Category: Front Page News, RSGB Notices