Also in GB2RS this week…
It is vital that we contribute to the debate around spectrum use. Former RSGB Chairman Graham Murchie, G4FSG recently made a presentation on behalf of all UK radio amateurs to the UK Spectrum Policy Forum, a body that advises the government. He also led the subsequent discussion, supported by RSGB General Manager Steve Thomas, M1ACB and RSGB Spectrum Forum Chair Murray Niman, G6JYB. Topics included the shortage of practical skills in the radio arena, the social and economic aspects of spectrum use, and examples of where the RSGB is encouraging development of scarce skills and using them to good effect. You can see the presentations at
Lithuania and Montenegro are the latest countries active on 60m. Lithuania’s telecomms regulator has enabled the new WRC-15 Secondary Allocation of 5351.5 – 5366.5kHz at 15W EIRP in its 2018 update to the country’s Frequency Allocation Table. The latest update to the Montenegro National Frequency Plan lists a new band at 5MHz, namely the WRC-15 Amateur Secondary Allocation of 5351.5 – 5366.5kHz with 15W EIRP, which has been confirmed by national society, the Montenegro Amateur Radio Pool.
As from this Sunday, the 18th, at 1830UTC, Eddie, G0VVT will be reading GB2RS News on GB7ST slot two, talk group nine, the DMR repeater in Stoke-on-Trent. At the same time, he will read the news on 433.525MHz and GB3SX, the 6m repeater in Stoke-on-Trent. Thanks go to Eddie and all the other news readers who give freely of their time to serve their fellow radio amateurs.
The RSGB has appointed Sara McGarvey, 2I0SSW into the new role of Youth Committee Champion. The role will include managing the UK attendance at the YOTA camp each year and YOTA Month every December.
The next Advanced Distance Learning course to be run by the Bath-based team is due to start on the first of February 2019, aiming for an exam in July or August. Course places are limited; the last four were completely filled well before the start date. So, if you are interested in joining, contact the Course Leader Steve, G0FUW, without delay, via email to
Now a date for next year’s diary. The RSGB AGM will be held on 27 April 2019 at Jurys Inn, 245 Broad Street, Birmingham B1 2HQ. The Society’s accounts and reports for 2018 will appear in the April 2019 RadCom.
Three of ITU-R Study Group 5 Working Groups meet in Geneva between 5 and 16 November. Working Party 5A deals with the land mobile service above 30MHz, wireless access in the fixed service and the amateur and amateur-satellite services. Working Group 5A1, responsible for amateur matters is chaired by Dale, VK1DSH. The main topic is to develop a technical report to support the work for World Radiocommunication Conference 2019 Agenda Item 1.1, considering an allocation of the frequency band 50 to 54MHz to the amateur service in Region 1. The Working Group consists of a mix of radio amateurs from all three IARU Regions, administrations from all over the world and other interested parties like meteorologists and military.
Category: GB2RS Headlines