Four countries add 5MHz band
Lots of news this week for the 5MHz band.
Following extensive discussions with their regulator, Czech amateurs can access both the new WRC-15 60m amateur secondary allocation of 5351.5 to 5366.5kHz and their existing 12 60m channels.
The WRC-15 allocation is available on an individual permit basis, with a maximum power of 15W EIRP.
The New Zealand national society has negotiated a licence to allow limited operation by ZL amateurs on 60m on a trial secondary basis with no interference to primary users.
Operation centres on 5353kHz and 5362 to 5364kHz, with a maximum output of 10dBW EIRP.
The Icelandic telecoms regulator will now permit access to the new WRC-15 60m allocation from 5351.5 to 5366.5kHz on a secondary basis with a maximum power of 15W EIRP, but has ended the previous experimental licence privileges.
Argentinean amateurs may now use the new WRC-15 amateur 60m secondary allocation of 5351.5 to 5366.5kHz, with a regional maximum power limit of 25W EIRP.
Category: Front Page News, GB2RS Headlines