Also in GB2RS this week…
A new exhibition opens at Bletchley Park on 16 February 2018 that showcases some of the many stories of life and work at Bletchley Park during WWII. It uses the Bletchley Park’s oral history collection and the Roll of Honour to allow Veterans to tell their own stories through photographs, quotes and audio points. The National Radio Centre, also at Bletchley Park, is open Wednesdays to Sundays and, if you bring your current and valid licence with you, there is an opportunity to operate the GB3RS station.
Nominations are now open for the CQ Amateur Radio Contest and DX Halls of Fame. These recognise those amateurs who have made major contributions to contesting and DXing, respectively. Nominations to any of the halls of fame may be made by individuals, clubs or national organisations, and must be submitted by 1 March 2018 to be considered. A maximum of two people may be inducted into the Contest and DX halls of fame each year. There is no set maximum for inductees into the Amateur Radio Hall of Fame. Nominations may be emailed to
Speaking on behalf of the WSJT-X development team, Joe Taylor, K1JT, has issued a progress report on the team’s efforts to develop an FT8 DXpedition mode. Details at (10-page/267KB PDF). Joe said the basic goal of FT8 DXpedition mode is to enable DXpeditions to make FT8 QSOs at the highest possible rates, and the WSJT-X development team has been working with members of the Baker Island KH1/KH7Z DXpedition team, ahead of its mid-summer operation, to work out the wrinkles.
Category: GB2RS Headlines