Rallies and Events News – 11 June 2017
On Sunday, 11 June, the Junction 28 Amateur Radio Rally will take place at Bowls Hall Alfreton Leisure Centre, Church Street, Alfreton DE55 7BD. Contact the rally secretary for details on 01159 307 322.
Also on Sunday, the 11th, the East Suffolk Wireless Revival, otherwise known as the Ipswich Rally, will take place at the new venue of Kirton Recreation Ground, Back Road, Kirton, IP10 0PW, just off the A14. Doors open at 9.30am, with free car parking and an entry fee of £2. There will be trade stands, a car boot sale, bring-and-buy, special interest groups, GB4SWR HF station on the air and an RSGB book stall. Catering is available on-site. Contact Kevin, G8MXV, on 0771 0046 846.
Next Saturday, the 17th, the South Lancs ARC Summer Rally will be held at Bickershaw Village Community Club, Bickershaw Lane, Bickershaw, Wigan WN2 5TE. There is car parking on-site and doors open at 9am for the public. Entry is £2.50. There are a limited number of pitches available. There will be a bring-and-buy, special interest groups and trade stands. Catering is available on-site. Details from Jason, G0IZR on 01942 735 828.
On Sunday the 18th, the 30th Newbury Radio Rally will take place at the Newbury Showground, next to the junction of the M4 and A34 in Berkshire. There is free parking on-site and entry is £2.50, or £12.30 for those in the car boot area. There will be a display area of an amateur radio station, exhibits, special interest groups, clubs and societies. There is on-site catering and disabled facilities. The site is open to sellers from 8am and to the public from 9am.
Category: GB2RS Rallies and Events