Rallies and Events News – 23 April 2017
On Sunday the 23rd the Ripon Radio Rally takes place at Hugh Ripley Hall, Ripon, North Yorkshire, HG4 2PT. Doors open to stallholders at 7.30am and to the general public at 10am. Entry is £2 on the door, under 16s are free. Enquiries can be made via email to rally@ripon.org.uk.
On Sunday the 23rd Yeovil QRP Convention will be held in Digby Hall, Hound Street, Sherborne, Dorset DT9 3AA. There are disabled facilities at this venue. The doors will be open between 9.30am and 3pm. There will be trade stands, a bring-and-buy, RSGB book stall and stands for RSARS and RAFARS. A programme of talks will take place on the day. Refreshments are available on site. Details from Bob Harris by email to wjh069@gmail.com
The Andover Radio Amateur Club Spring Boot Sale takes place Sunday, 23 April, at Wildhern Village Hall, Tangley, Andover SP11 0JE. Doors open from 10am to 4pm, with disabled visitors gaining access earlier. Admittance is £2. There are tables in the hall and outside pitches. Hot food and drinks will be available. Contact Paul, G4KZY on 07775 738 200.
Next Sunday, the 30th, the Cambridge Repeater Group Rally will be held at the Foxton Village Hall, Hardman Road, Foxton, Cambridge, Cambs CB22 6RN. Doors open at 9.30am with traders gaining access from 7.30am. Entry is £2. There will be a talk-in station and car parking is free on-site. There will be trade stands, a bring-and-buy, car boot area and RSGB book stall. The usual burger van will be in attendance. Contact Lawrence, M0LCM on 0794 197 2724.
Also on the 30th the West London Radio and Electronics Show will take place at Kempton Park Racecourse, Staines Road East, Sunbury-on-Thames, TW16 5AQ. There will be a talk-in station and on-site car parking is free. Doors open at 10am with disabled visitors gaining access 10 minutes earlier. There will be trade stations, a bring-and-buy and special interest groups. Other attractions are lectures, a raffle and catering on-site. Details from Paul, M0CJX on 0845 165 0351.
Category: GB2RS Rallies and Events