VHF Contest scoring
The RSGB VHF Activity Contest B2 scoring method was introduced on a trial basis for use during 2017 in order to try to meet the 2015 Presidential Review aim of reducing geographical and other disadvantage. This is an update.
To ensure there is time for full and comprehensive consultation with all, arrangements are now being made to start to review B2 use, based on scores during the first four months of 2017 (and updated as the year goes by). B2 scoring will of course continue to be used throughout 2017.
We are using a process which first gets expert views together in a small invitation workshop session and then consults widely in a timely manner. The workshop session (about 12 people) is being convened on 3rd June and will look at factual evidence about the use of B2 , the extent to which it meets the aims of VHF contesting and then produce 2018 proposals for full consultation with the contesting community before decisions are taken. The group is deliberately small as it is a working group, not a conference. The data used and its recommendations will be made public.
Those invited reflect a broad spectrum of interests, including of course those with differing views on the current B2 scoring system. The workshop will be chaired by the President, working with the VHF Contest Committee. So far, the following members have accepted the President’s invitation to attend:
Keith D le Boutillier GU6EFB; Stewart Bryant G3YSX; Andy Cook G4PIQ and 3 VHFCC reps; David Dix G8LZE; Martin Hall GM8IEM; Carl Ratcliffe M0ICR; Mike Tubby G8TIC; and Nick Henwood G3RWF
A review of B2 scoring was promised and that is what is happening. There is no preconceived outcome. The aim is to maximise enjoyment and participation in VHF contesting.
Category: RSGB Notices