Also in GB2RS this week…
Field strength calculation software ICNIRPcalc has been around for a while. You can use it to calculate the distance a person needs to stay clear from a given antenna to ensure that European exposure limits are not exceeded. A new version has been released with an enlarged antenna database plus German, English, French and Swedish language capabilities. You can download the new version free from a link on the IARU Region 1 website,
There will be many Churches and Chapels on the air for the annual CHOTA event on the 10th of September. These include some in rare Worked All Britain squares such as the most northerly church on the UK mainland and for, the first time, the most northerly church in UK, which is on the Isle on Unst in Shetland. Most WACRAL operation will be on 40m SSB from around 10am to 4pm. There’s still time to register a station on the WACRAL website,
The RSGB 2016 Convention takes place on the 7th to the 9th of October at Kents Hill Conference Centre, Milton Keynes. Visitors can hear Simon, GW0NVN describe how to get your homebrew project up and running using test equipment you never knew you had in the shack. The early bird booking discount for weekend packages and day tickets ends on the 18th of August, go to for bookings and details of the event.
The Tokyo Ham Fair takes place next weekend, the 20th and 21st of August. Last year, around 36,000 attended the show, including several from the UK. We plan to bring you a report of this year’s show in a future edition of RadCom.
A replacement QSL Sub Manager volunteer is sought for the very busy G3I-L group. Outgoing cards may continue to be sent to the central bureau in the usual way. If you are interested in taking on this group as QSL Sub Manager, please send an email to
The 19th annual International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend takes place from 0001UTC on Saturday the 20th of August to 2400UTC on the 21st. The official list of entrants for 2016 is now up to 414 stations in around 40 countries. It’s a popular international event, probably because there are very few rules and it is not the usual ‘5/9 CQ Contest’ type event. It is free and there are no prizes for contacting large numbers of other stations. The many entrants will tell you what an enjoyable time they all have. Details are at and we mention some of the UK stations later in this bulletin.
Category: GB2RS Headlines