RSGB Legacy Fund trustee wanted

| June 10, 2016

The RSGB Legacy Fund exists due to the generosity of donors and the Legacy Subcommittee works with the Board to consider and recommend proposals for its use.

The Fund currently stands at about £170,000 and it provides an excellent opportunity to support innovation and development.

Its scope for proposals is deliberately wide with the highest priority given to proposals focused on taking our hobby forward.

There are currently four trustees and the RSGB would like to make one further appointment.

The term of office for trustees is three years with a two term maximum.

Most work is conducted by email and Skype.

The RSGB would like to hear from Members who would be interested in serving.

RSGB President Nick Henwood, G3RWF is currently Chairman of the sub-committee and would welcome informal discussion, initially via email to

Applications by CV should arrive with the General Manager, Steve Thomas, M1ACB, via email to by 31 August 2016.

Category: Front Page News, GB2RS Headlines