Exercise Blue Ham
On 18 and 19 June the Air Cadet Organisation will be organising and running a military-style national radio exercise named Exercise Blue Ham.
This will be one of the many events the organisation is holding during 2016 and 2717 to mark the 75th Anniversary of its formation.
Amateur radio operators are invited to take part with the cadets.
The exercise will take place on the MOD 5MHz, or 60m band, and a significant part of the exercise will be on the section of the band that amateurs are authorised to use.
The Cadet stations will operate from noon on the 17th until noon on the 18th on specific frequencies within the band.
These frequencies will be published live on the internet as the exercise is in progress and amateurs are welcome to check the exercise website and call in, but only on the amateur band frequencies they are authorised to use.
Category: Front Page News, GB2RS Headlines