Ashfield Primary School, Otley
The next amateur radio contact with Tim Peake is on Thursday, 5 May 2016 at 0808 UTC/0908 BST at Ashfield Primary School, Otley.
This is the only primary school to host a contact.
The pupils will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:
1. Esme (Reception): How can I come and see you?
2. Kitty (Year 4): If you blow a bubble in space what shape will it be and will it last long?
3. Olivia (Year 5): How do you communicate with people down below?
4. Amelie (Year 5): Are your space clothes itchy or soft?
5. Libby (Year 5): Although you are with other members up in the ISS do you ever get lonely?
6. Grace (Year 5): What would happen to a balloon in the ISS that isn’t attached to a string?
7. Zach (Year 6): Does helium work the same in space?
8. Ethan (Year 6): How tall are you now on the ISS?
9. Jack (Year 2): Is there space candy?
10. Dalton (Reception): How do you get home from the space station?
11. Ethan (Year 2): What are washing machines like in space and how do you clean your clothes?
12. Ruth (Year 2): What does the Earth look like at night from the ISS?
13. Millie (Year 2): What does space smell like?
14. Maizy (Year 5): How often do you look out of the window to see planet earth?
15. Olivia (Year 5): What is the best thing about the countdown and why?
16. Caitlin (Reception): How do you stop your food from floating?
17. Olivia (Year 5): What is the best thing about being in zero gravity?
18. Chloe (Year 2): What is it like in space at night time?
19. Mackenzie (Year 3): How many miles up are you and why?
20. Olivia (Year 5): What happens to your organs in space?
Remember you can watch the live stream of the event online and see photos via our Facebook and Twitter profiles.
Category: ARISS, Principia Mission