Also in GB2RS this week…
Following agreement with the RSGB Board, management of the Islands on the Air program has transitioned to Islands Radio Awards Ltd, a new, not-for-profit company. This entity will assume full responsibility for all aspects of the program, which it will run in partnership with the Society. The company has been registered in the names of its current directors, Roger Balister, G3KMA, and Stan Lee, G4XXI, and a full Board of Directors will established. The new company is fully committed to completing the paperless QSLing project that will allow electronic confirmation of contacts and no significant policy changes are anticipated.
On Monday, the 25th, ANZAC Day remembers those who died in 1915 in the fighting at Gallipoli. To commemorate this, amateurs in New Zealand and Australia will be on the bands using the same older modes once employed by radio operators in the military. This AM & CW event has become a popular annual ANZAC Day activity with those participating using older, crystal-locked transceivers or former military radios.
Statutory Instrument 2016 No. 426, The Wireless Telegraphy (Control of Interference from Apparatus) Regulations 2016 are now in effect. There is a brief summary in the May RadCom and in June there will be a longer article from the EMC committee. The legislation can be read at
The RSGB Board is embarking on a review of the Society’s strategic vision and goals and a Member with group facilitation skills is sought to work with the Board and others during the process. Please contact the General Manager via if you are able to assist.
The QSL bureau is pleased to welcome Andy Hood, GM7GDE, as the new volunteer for GM4-8 series cards. Our thanks go to Tom Wylie, GM4FDM the retiring manager and for his help, in ensuring a smooth transition.
Twenty-five used ex-BBC local radio cars are being sold on behalf of the BBC by Cambridge Broadcast. These have a professional technical installation of a pneumatic mast. The vehicles are all Peugeot, based on either 806 or 807 models, and ages range from 2001 to 2006. Most have technical battery fit-outs with split charging from engine, and external mains inputs, with 19” equipment racks, and audio monitoring. Details can be found on
Category: GB2RS Headlines