Also in GB2RS…
Stuart, M0SGS has been given granted an NoV to operate a Simplex Fusion C4FM Digital Voice Gateway callsign MB6ILE on 431.075MHz. The gateway is located in Pudsey, West Yorkshire, and serves the Leeds and Bradford area. Transmission is via a 70cm folded dipole at about 630ft ASL with a 5 watt output. The system went live on 6 February and can be accessed via any C4FM Fusion enabled radio. Details of operating times, updates and how to connect can be found at
The latest RSGB Band Plans have now been finalised. They cover all 29 UK amateur bands from 136kHz to 250GHz, including the special 146MHz band that is only available by Notice of Variation to Full licence holders. The Band Plans are available on the RSGB website at They also appear in the March edition of RadCom, which should start arriving with Members on Wednesday this week.
Category: GB2RS Headlines