RSGB Board seeks new General Manager
Graham Coomber, G0NBI, announced his retirement as General Manager of the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB) on 4 January 2016. Graham took on the role in 2012 at a time when the RSGB was emerging from a difficult period in its history and he has helped to steer the Society into a strong position.
The Board is very appreciative of the work done by Graham during his period at Headquarters. Graham Murchie, G4FSG, Chairman of the Board, said:
“Over the four years that Graham has been General Manager he has guided the Society from a position of uncertainty to stability. He has been very supportive of both the Interim Board and the current elected Board and he will be missed by all when he leaves. The Board is most appreciative that Graham has agreed to delay his departure until a suitable successor is in place.”
The Board is now advertising for Graham’s successor who, ideally, should be a practising licensed amateur. It would also be beneficial if they have had experience working in an organisation that relies heavily on a committed group of volunteers to deliver services. Most importantly, is that they should have a passion to see the RSGB and amateur radio develop successfully.
Category: Front Page News, GB2RS Headlines, RSGB Notices