Rallies and Events News – 11 October 2015
Today, the 11th, is the final day of the RSGB Convention at Kent’s Hill Conference Centre, Milton Keynes MK7 6BZ. The principal sponsor for the event is Martin Lynch & Sons, to whom the Society would like to pass on their thanks. Full details at www.rsgb.org/convention
Also today, the 11th, the Hack Green Bunker Rally is at Hack Green Secret Nuclear Bunker, Nantwich, Cheshire CW5 8AL. There will be electronic equipment, amateur gear, components, military radio sets and vehicle spares. Doors open at 10am. Details from Lucy on 01270 623 353.
Next weekend, on the 17th, the North Wakefield Radio Club rally will be held in Middleton Leisure Centre, Middleton Ring Road, Middleton, Leeds LS10 4AX. Tables are £6 if you bring your own, £12 with club tables. There will also be a Bring & Buy and refreshments available. Details from Tony, G0JVI on 07740 003 159.
Next Sunday, on the 18th, the Galashiels & District ARS radio and computer rally will be held in the Volunteer Hall, St Johns Street, Galashiels TD1 3JX. Doors open at 11.30am with disabled visitors gaining access 15 minutes earlier. There will be trade stands, a Bring & Buy and refreshments.
If you have any rally or event information you’d like to appear in future editions of GB2RS News, in RadCom and on the RSGB website, please email details to radcom@rsgb.org.uk.
Category: GB2RS Rallies and Events