Also in GB2RS this week…
Following last year’s 5MHz amateur operation in the Czech Republic and elsewhere in Europe, the Czech telecommunications regulator, together with the Czech Ministry of Defence, have agreed to changes in 5MHz permits for Czech radio amateurs. The number of 5MHz channels available under the new 2015 permit has been increased from 6 to 12 and a substantial number of these have been aligned internationally, primarily with the UK and also the US allocations.
Thinking Day on the Air takes place on 21st and 22nd February when Guides around the world will get on the air to contact one another as well as amateur stations worldwide. Liz Gaskell, G0RJX, may hold the honour of the longest continuous UK Thinking Day operation. Liz, a Girlguiding leader in Oxford, has been responsible for operating many different callsigns for Thinking Day and this year will be her 25th year. We would be very interested to hear from other ‘veteran’ operators. Contact
A new repeater, GB3TS, was commissioned in December located at Warden Law, Sunderland. The frequencies are 433.175 and 434.775MHz with a CTCSS tone of 118.8Hz. Full details are on under the call sign GB3TS. Reports to the repeater keeper please, Ian G7MFN, via email to
The ARRL Library is now online. This online library is a repository of educational presentations and oral histories. It will initially consist of three major areas. These will include PowerPoint presentations that may be used at club meetings, outreach efforts to the general public or other public presentations; PDFs of general educational material about amateur radio, and oral histories of radio amateurs describing their personal experiences with amateur radio. Visit
Category: GB2RS Headlines