Foundation Licence

The Foundation licence is your gateway to the world of amateur radio

The course and exam that leads to the licence provides you with an exciting introduction to the hobby while ensuring you can operate safely and without causing issues to other radio users. The licence entitles you to a unique call sign which you use to identify yourself when transmitting.

Foundation licences are issues by Ofcom, the UK’s communications regulator.

The course

A list of online courses can be found on our Online Training Resources page.

You can also use our Course and Exam Finder to find a club that will provide the Foundation course near you. Some clubs offer online courses and others provide training face to face.

Clubs and training organisations may or may not charge for their services, the RSGB recommends you check thoroughly before signing up to a course.

The exam

The Foundation exam is straightforward and consists of 26 multiple choice questions which you have 60 minutes to answer. The exam is usually taken online, either at home with a remote invigilator, or in a club setting. Book and pay online and select the time and date that suits you.

You will be given your result immediately after you complete the online exam, together with feedback.

The Radio Communication Foundation (RCF) offer fully funded Foundation exams if you are under 21 and in full-time education.

What happens after the exam?

Once you have passed your exam, you will receive your official results from the RSGB within around six working days. When you receive this confirmation (which will include a certificate with your candidate number), you can register on the Ofcom licensing system, choose your call sign and apply for your licence. There is no charge for the licence if you apply online.

Practical skills

We have created a series of videos that explain a range of skills you may find helpful. Everything from how to set up a station and make your first QSO, to adjusting your antenna length and using modes other than voice. You can watch these on our Foundation Practicals webpage.

Finding help where you live

For support in your local area, contact the RSGB Regional Team. They will be happy to answer your questions or give you advice on your next steps.