RSGB response to Channel 5 TV programme

| October 28, 2016

We work hard to build relationships with the media and often provide facts and help when programmes and articles featuring amateur radio are being prepared.

Unfortunately, the RSGB was not invited to be part of Channel 5’s “Nightmare Neighbour Next Door” programme or to verify any facts. We have, of course, contacted Channel 5 about our concerns and have highlighted the positive aspects of amateur radio. We have also offered our expertise and input for future programmes where amateur radio is mentioned.

Our volunteers spend a lot of time helping radio amateurs with planning applications. It is by putting forward facts during those processes that we can help to dispel myths about amateur radio and any impact on the public or environment.

One of the best ways to counteract the public’s lack of understanding about amateur radio is to offer positive stories to the media. We are always looking for stories to share and will be very happy to help radio amateurs approach their local media too – please contact

If we receive a response from Channel 5 we will share it with our Members.

Category: RSGB Notices