Thinking Day on the Air
World Thinking Day is organised by World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts on the third full weekend in February. The founder of the Guide movement, Lord Baden-Powell, and his wife, Lady Baden-Powell, the World Chief Guide both celebrated their birthday on 22 February, which is now known to all Guides as Thinking Day.
The aim of Thinking Day on the Air (TDOTA) is to encourage Girlguiding members to make friendships with those in other units, using amateur radio as the means of communication.
TDOTA stations are mostly set up by experienced radio amateurs who voluntarily work to support TDOTA. The positive effects of the event are shown in the increasing numbers of Girlguiding leaders and members with amateur radio licences.
TDOTA 2025
Several UK amateur radio clubs helped their local Girlguiding group get on the air over two February weekends. Thank you to all those who took part, and to those who made contact with the girls.
There’ll be a report on TDOTA 2025 in April’s RadCom.