RSGB President
A prestigious and important role but what does the President actually do, and what are the myths?
While there are some core duties that every President does—being a Board Director and representing the Society at some external events being just two—each President brings something new to the role and also gains much from it.
John McCullagh MBE, GI4BWM
The current RSGB President John McCullagh, GI4BWM explains how he has found the role:
“I came into the role during a great time of change when our licence was being reviewed by the Regulator and the Society needed to get itself back on track with a coherent implementable strategy. It has been hugely satisfying to work with our volunteer base and HQ staff, to see new plans being put in place and teams formed to get things moving. To paraphrase someone else, the death of amateur radio has been greatly exaggerated!”
Nick Henwood, G3RWF (President, 2016-2018) explains:

Nick Henwood, G3RWF
“To some extent you can shape the role to suit your interests and availability but first and foremost you need to be wildly keen on amateur radio.” Nick shares more of his thoughts about the President’s role in this video – take a look!

John Gould, G3WKL
Representing the Society does require a time commitment, but John Gould, G3WKL (President, 2014-2016) found that he learned a lot in the process:
“The President’s representational duties gave me an almost unique insight to the breadth of amateur radio. I had cause to look into areas of the hobby that I hadn’t experienced before, giving me a better overall ‘helicopter’ view of where amateur radio was currently positioned and some feeling as to how it might evolve in the future.”

Hilary Claytonsmith, G4JKS
Hilary Claytonsmith, G4JKS (President, 1999) adds:
“I gained a far better insight into the complexities of the way the Society works and the sheer workload involved in providing a comprehensive support network for amateurs, something which is difficult to comprehend unless you are closely involved.”

Bob Whelan, G3PJT
Meeting radio amateurs and the general public also offers opportunities to share the excitement of amateur radio as Bob Whelan, G3PJT (President, 2002-03 and 2013-14) explains:
“In the Centenary year celebrations we were able to show that amateur radio appeals to a wide audience of all ages, that it can lead to a positive social outlook which is very relevant to the 21st century environment and that for many, it has led to fulfilling career opportunities and a fun-filled challenging pastime.”