VDSL interference

| January 10, 2017

The RSGB’s Electromagnetic Compatibility Committee (EMCC) has worked with BT Technology Services and Operations and also Openreach to design a new process to improve the way multiple line checks are done. This can only be used where the EMCC has received reports from amateurs that it checks and believes are caused by VDSL RFI. In these cases, lines in the near vicinity of […]

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RSGB Awards Manager

| January 10, 2017

The Board has appointed Chris Burbanks, G3SJJ to the position of RSGB Awards Manager. He will be working with a small team to review the RSGB Awards Programme and making recommendations to improve the processes for claiming and fulfillment of the awards. Active on all HF bands with a Worked DXCC total of 327 countries, […]

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