Nominations Committee

developmentstrategiesThe Nominations Committee (NomCom) has the primary role within the RSGB of reviewing the balance of skills, experience, diversity, knowledge and independence of the Board and of making recommendations for the candidates for the three Nominated Director posts described in Clause 28(c) and 33(c) of the Memorandum and Articles.

In addition, the NomCom shall manage a list of volunteers who wish to serve the Society and shall make that list available to the Volunteer Leadership Team (VLT)  as a resource for succession planning or project tasks. The presence of such a list does not circumvent any advertising, election or other appointment process.

The NomCom shall operate and make decisions in accordance with the Terms of Reference (ToR) contained within this document and be accountable to the membership for its decisions.


The duties of the NomCom are limited to:

  • Seeking out and recommending three Nominated Directors
  • Advising on other voluntary positions as requested by members of the VLT but specifically excluding the positions of President, the four Elected Directors and the elected Regional Representatives.

Composition of the Nominations Committee

The NomCom will consist of five members as follows:

  • A suitably-experienced independent corporate member of the RSGB (not member of the VLT) as Chairman
  • Two Board members (one elected Director and one nominated Director, one of whom is the Chair of the Board). The Board members that sit on this committee shall be chosen by the Board and in the case of multiple candidates shall be decided by a simple majority from a secret ballot.
  • One Regional Representative. The candidate shall be chosen by the Regional Council from its number and in the case of multiple candidates shall be decided by a simple majority from a secret ballot.
  • One member who is either a Committee Chair or an Honorary Officer. The candidate shall be chosen by the Committee Chairs and Honorary Officers from their number and in the case of multiple candidates shall be decided by a simple majority from a secret ballot.

RSGB staff may not serve on this Committee. The Committee shall elect one of its number to serve as minutes secretary.

Term of Office

The Term of Office for members of the Committee is limited by the Term of Office of the individual post holders (for Directors and Regional Representatives) and to a maximum of three years for others from the VLT

Current Committee Members

  • Chair: Bob Beebe, GU4YOX
  • Stewart Bryant (Board Chair)
  • Tony Miles, MM0TMZ (Elected Director)
  • Steve Nichols, G0KYA (VLT Nominee)
  • Jim Campbell, 2M0IAQ (Regional Forum Nominee)